Improve your lifestyle
Never tried contact lenses or thought they were too hard to handle? Thought they were expensive? Or tried them once and were never really satisfied? Such is the range of contact lens options today there are very few people for whom contact lens wear is not a possibility.
The freedom that contact lenses provide can improve your lifestyle enormously, whether they be for full-time or part-time wear, work or play. Making contacts one of your vision correction options has never been easier or more convenient.
Help with wearing your lenses
If you’ve just started wearing soft contact lenses and are looking for a few extra tips on how to insert, remove and clean them, google “contact lens insertion and removal”, or take a look at these links:
Or if you’re wearing rigid contact lenses, the following video tutorials may also help:
If you’re curious about what contact lenses can do for you, ask for a complimentary contact lens test drive at your next appointment.